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Traditional Mystery Shopping Solutions


Mystery shopping originated in the 1940s as integrity evaluations conducted by private investigators. Mystery shoppers now ensure much more than integrity as they provide 3rd party evaluations of all customer-facing operations. Today, these evaluations ensure staff compliance sales procedures, the effectiveness of training programs, team-member skills, and the strength of the company’s culture at the retail level.

Mystery shoppers can quickly provide management with comprehensive customer service reports. Management may be interested in a specific aspect of the customer’s experience or they may want shoppers to pose as regular customers and gather intelligence on employee performance throughout the sales process. The exact nature of a traditional mystery shop is determined in consultation with the client to meet their strategic goals.

At the conclusion of the customer experience, shoppers submit a written report via an internet-based reporting system. This report includes a narrative, that walks leadership through their experience on-site, and a performance grade based upon management expectations.

You have many options when selecting a mystery shopping service, but few providers utilize shoppers as professional and experienced as Clear Evaluations. Led by innovators in the field with almost 50 years of combined experience, our mystery shoppers are educated on each client’s specific program with not only written material, but instructional videos and conference calls. Our shoppers know exactly what to evaluate to deliver the highest quality mystery shopping solutions in the industry. We have sufficient capacity and technology to deliver timely mystery shopper reports anytime and anywhere.

Determining how one measures performance is a critical step in any mystery shopping program. Clear Evaluations has the experience and expertise to design a unique scorecard focused on your brand’s sales strategy and industry best practices. Once complete, the report and scorecard is available 24/7 through our online portal. Clear Evaluations uses the leading mystery shopper reporting system and we have a reputation for delivering the most comprehensive, easy-to-use reports in the industry.

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